Meeting App


During my Computer Science degree at INU Champollion in Albi, we were tasked with creating a web-based dating application similar to Tinder. This application allows users to meet people nearby, chat, and set up meetings.


  • User management with registration, login, and profile management
  • Real-time chat using Socket.IO
  • Recommendation system for profiles with similar interests
  • Session and authentication management using NextAuth with SHA256 hashing
  • Map display using Leaflet to show possible meeting points
  • Ability to set up and manage meetings

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Framework for building the application
  • ChakraUI: Component library for the user interface
  • Socket.IO: Library for real-time web socket communication
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for data storage
  • Leaflet: Library for displaying interactive maps
  • Prisma: ORM for database management
  • NextAuth: Authentication library with SHA256 hashing


Instructions to install and run the project.

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate to the project directory
cd meeting-app

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run the development server
npm run dev